Is CIRA whois down?? (3 Viewing)

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Ebenezer Thevasagayam
Jan 27, 2021
Toronto, ON
Unable to get any information from CIRA on their whois.
Just check : WHOIS Domain Name Lookup | CIRA – CIRA. Returns a blank page.
Did they notify that there was a maintenance of some sort or is the Whois database also on vacation mode?
Anyone else experiencing the same thing??
Am on mobile while travelling but on my small screen it is blank except for the Google recaptcha at the bottom.
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Thanks @MapleDots . It is the same for me too, on mobile and desktop.
Hope you are enjoying the break and thanks for chiming in.
@DomainRecap it's a bug in the new website release, we are working on getting it fixed thanks for letting me know.
CIRA picked a really bad time to be offline with the WHOIS, as not only was it more difficult to get TBR data, but I also hate using alternate registrars and I somehow got incorrect expiry data for some domains I had offers on.
Seems like they are getting one at a time.
It looks like it's finally working for all the browsers I use - Firefox, Edge and Safari were up and running earlier, but now Chrome is finally displaying WHOIS results.
It’s working ok at my end too. Thanks
Another problem I found with the New WHOIS is that when you find a domain that is not registered, you just get a "Sorry, an error occured (sic)." message instead of the nifty "It's Available" window with a selection of .CA Registrars to choose from.


As noted, it's not even spelled correctly. :geek:


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